
A couple months ago, we were swamped at work.  There weren’t enough hours in the day.  Overtime, although not required was highly appreciated.  As I work in a small architecture firm in an economically depressed area of the country this was is highly unusual.  Contractors are scrounging for work, and some are even closing for good.  (On the other hand, some of them are keeping very busy with small jobs.  It’s all in who you know and what you specialize in.)  We expected to keep this busy for months – definitely until fall, at least.  And then our very big client decided he wasn’t so sure about the site he originally selected.  So we’re now on hold while the client tries to negotiate for a different site, which means, while we’re still  relatively busy, overtime is now banned.  (Yes, odd as that may seem, we’re not allowed to work extra!)  All this to say, while I was really overloaded with work this spring, you’d think I’d have plenty of spare time now…except…I can’t seem to stop adding projects!  And as these are non-knitting projects, knitting has been severely compromised.  Especially, as the major one involves a lot of wallpaper stripping and painting, the projects can really wear me out to the point of not feeling up to knitting!  It’s tragic, I’m quite sure…

I did manage however, after a few false starts to finally start on Bee Fields.  I’ve had the kit since last August, but wanted to wait until February/March to work with the wonderful spring greens in the dead of winter…Of course, then another little knit got in the way, so I’m just now moving forward.


The merino is absolutely lovely to knit with.  But then, merino is one of my favorites anyway, so I’m a little biased.  I’m pretty much enjoying the pattern, but my impatience/lack of knitting time makes me kinda wish I didn’t have to repeat the second chart (first after setup chart) quite so often.  I want to get to the next thing!  Of course, I’m developing the same problem with all the different lace patterns I want to try…startitis has been running rampant around here.  Pictures on the other hand… Here’s crossing my fingers I get something finished this summer!